Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Week 12 - 31/3/09 - Tuesday

Time of day: 6pm
Distance: 2.3 miles
Weather: Fine

A running club run. We only did a short run, but it was certainly hard work. We ran from the leisure centre in Stroud and did some dynamic stretches by the lake, much to the consternation of the swans.

Then we set off. I find it quite a different experience running with other people, as I've never been a member of a club before. I'm used to running mainly on my own, or with one other person, so running in a group is quite alien to me. I am enjoying the companionship though, it does make the run go faster.

The first mile was a steady climb uphill. I did not enjoy this at all. My chest is still a bit wheezy and I feel that hills are quite unmanageable at the moment. I did try though. I set myself little targets: "I'll just get to the next telegraph pole" I didn't manage to keep running all the way up the hill, but I did push myself and it has made me realise the benefits of training in a hilly area. My runs are usually completely flat, so I think that is something I will have to change.

Week 12 - 30/3/09 - Monday

Time of day: 6am
Time: 52:37
Distance: 5 miles
Weather: Fine

I have to admit to a groan as I looked at the clock at 05:30 and thought: Really it's only 04:30 by yesterday's time, No! I told myself. Stop that. It is 5.30! Out with winter, in with spring! It's a bit like a mild form of jet lag when the clocks go forward isn't it?

Once I was out it was fine. More than fine in fact. I ran with my running pal, Jo. We started off before dawn had broken and finished our run in daylight. The blossom and virgin leaves were beautiful and made the early morning wake up more than worth it. And it's so nice to get the first run of the week under my belt before 9 am on a Monday morning.

I'm feeling so much better. In fact this was the first time I had felt really good running for weeks.

Sunday, 29 March 2009

Week 11 - 23/3/09 - Saturday

Time of day: 9 am
Distance: 6.3 miles
Time: 1:17
Weather: Fine

This was first attempt at a longer run for a couple of weeks. I ran with the Cotswold All Runners, most of whom I don't really know.

It was a hilly run up over the golf course at Painswick beacon and then down through the woods. I certainly struggled with the uphill stretches and had to stop and walk a few times. As I'm usually a road runner, it was a constant challenge to stay upright, looking out for roots and rocks. I did enjoy that though, the mental effort required did something to take my mind off the physical discomfort.

I was grateful to Simon, the coach for giving me some well needed input into my revised marathon schedule. I'm finding it hard to know how to adapt my training as I've not really done the long runs I had planned. Only eight weeks to go!

Friday, 27 March 2009

Week 11 - 23/3/09 - Thursday

Time of day: 13:43
Distance: 3 miles
Time: 31.06
Weather: Cloud/drizzle

This was my first run for nearly a week. I have been giving myself a break to get back to optimum health, but it's taking longer than I would like and I'm finding it hard to balance the need to get the miles in and the need to really shake this bug off.

This was an easy 3 mile run. I ran a familiar route with a slow uphill climb for the first mile. It always feels a bit tough at first, but things start to get easier after about 2 miles. I didn't feel any worse than I normally do, despite having a lingering chesty cough.

I've had to make quite a few changes to my training plan to accommodate my recent lack of running. I'm hoping that it will be sufficient to get me round on the day. It's really my long runs that have been lacking. I need to get some decent distances under my belt, but unfortunately it is those that seem to keep setting me back.

I'm going to do 6 miles tomorrow and then start putting in some long runs next week.

Sunday, 22 March 2009

Week 10 - 16/3/09 - Friday

Time of day: 7.30pm
Distance: 1.65 miles
Time: 19:50
Weather: Clear

Usually on a Friday I would go out first thing in the morning, but I really couldn't face it this morning. Still feeling unwell! Coughing and spluttering, so I thought I'd give it a miss. By the evening though I was feeling a bit more perky so went out and did a little run. It was frustratingly short and slow, but at least I went out.

I'm definitely going to skip my planned 7 mile run tomorrow (Saturday) and try and get a good rest over the weekend ready to get back into it next week.

Week 10 - 16/3/09 - Wednesday

Time of day: 6pm
Distance: 3.84 miles
Time: 44.24
Weather: Clear

Frustratingly, my blocked ear has returned and also this cold seems to have gone down onto my chest. So, a dilemma: the rule is that if you have a cold that is only a head cold - OK to run. If it's on your chest - Don't run. Now, a couple of weeks ago, I ran with a head cold, then got an ear infection and then couldn't run for a week, it really doesn't seem like I've shaken this off completely and I'm finding it difficult to decide whether to run, a bit, a lot or not at all. Aaaarggghh!!!

I went back to the osteopath (I think I mentioned before, it was the osteopath who sorted out my recurrent ear infections in the past) and he again said he thinks I'm overdoing it, pushing my body further than it's happy with. But isn't that the point? That's why I want to do a marathon, because I want to challenge myself. Anyway he was quite sensible really and advised me to listen to my body whilst I am still under the weather. I can't believe a simple cold is causing such a problem.

Anyway I did decide to go to running club tonight because it is the one session I really enjoy. I thought I would just take it easy and not push myself to hard. As it was I probably did push myself quite hard. We did a pyramid session, 1:1, 2:2, 3:3, 4:4, 5:5, 4:4, 3:3, 2:2, 1:1. I enjoyed it though.

Week 10, 16.3.09 - Monday

Time of day: 6am
Distance: 2.75 miles
Time: 30:26
Weather: Clear

I spent Sunday (the day after my 10 mile run) in some degree of discomfort, even walking was problematic, I didn't see how I was going to manage to run today. However, it's amazing what a good night's sleep can do. I woke up feeling a little fragile but OK to run. I did just under 3 miles at quite a slow pace as my legs were still quite tired.

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Week 9 - 9/3/09 - Saturday

Time of day: 9am
Distance: 10.66 miles
Time: 2:05 hours
Weather: Sunny

I ran with a few people from the running club. We ran along the canal path and back. It was a beautiful warm sunny day. Spring is here! It was a nice run. I did feel a bit tired at the halfway point and really struggled in the last mile. I was very hungry even though I had had porridge about an hour before the run. My mum helpfully pointed out that the marathon is almost 3 times as long, which seems a bit daunting, but I have got another 11 weeks of training to go.

Week 9 - 9/3/09 - Friday

Time of day: 6 am
Distance : 5 miles
Time : 53:12
Weather : Clear, warm

I ran on my own this morning. It was much warmer than I expected and I had to abandon my jacket on the fence half way round.

It was an uneventful run although afterwards I had a bit of pain in my left ilio-tibial band, which I will have to watch as I have had problems with it in the past. Doesn't running make you obsessed with every little niggle? Should I run? Should I rest? To train or not to train, that is the question! I'm sure it's fine I must just remember to stretch it after my runs and also I think it may have been affected on my Wednesday run as we did some steep downhill sections which don't seem to work very well for me.

Week 9 - 9/3/09 - Wednesday

Time of day: 6pm
Distance : 3.65 miles
Time: 41:21

Running club
3 x 8 minutes with 3 minute walk recoveries. I was a bit worried about overdoing it, but once I got into the swing of things I felt fine. I struggled a little bit at the end of the 3rd rep which was actually a bit longer than 8 minutes (more like 9 1/2!). I do really enjoy these training sessions though. I run at about a 9 - 9 1/2 minute mile pace, which is much faster than I would normally do, so I'm sure it must be improving my fitness and speed. I know I wouldn't have the discipline to do this on my own

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Week 9 - 9/3/09 - Monday

Time of day: 6 am
Distance: 2.83 miles
Time: 29:34

My first run after a week of lying around watching daytime TV! I was feeling a little apprehensive and wary about pushing myself too much, but actually I was fine. I was scheduled to do a 5 mile run but decided to play it safe and do 3 miles, I walked the last little bit. I am hoping to do 4 miles on Wednesday, 5 on Friday and 10 on Saturday. That will be the tough one! Glad to be back into it though.

I have also cut down dramatically on my alcohol consumption as I used to have a glass or two of wine most nights, but until the marathon I am just going to drink on Saturday nights, as I have a rest day on Sundays.

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Week 8 - A minor setback...........

I really wish I had taken notice of how I was feeling last week, and skipped a run or two. I've got an ear infection and am now completely laid up for a while. My ear is really painful and I can't hear out of it. Although I feel OK in myself, I don't think I should run as I have had some nasty ear infections in the past, with perforated eardrums. I went to the cranial osteopath today as I thought that might help unblock my ear a bit. He said he thought I had been overdoing it and said no long runs this week. I'm feeling quite frustrated really. I'm hoping that if I just take it easy for a few days I'll be able to get back on track before too long.

Monday, 2 March 2009

Week 7 - 23/2/09


Time of day: 05:45
Distance: 5 miles
Time: 52:34

I was pleased to get my run out of the way, first thing on Monday. I was feeling a bit under the weather with a cold but well enough to run and actually felt much better afterwards.


Time of day: 6pm
Distance: 3.5 miles
Time: 36:10

Running club.
5 minute run, 2 minute walk
10 minute run, 3 minute walk
6 minute run.

I ran at around 9 - 91/2 minute mile pace, which is quite speedy for me. I enjoyed this session, but felt pretty tired afterwards.


Time of run: 6am
Distance: 4 miles
Time: 41:24

I ran on my own. Still feeling a bit under the weather with a cough and cold. Felt quite hard work.


Time of run: 10.30am
Distance: 8 miles
Time: 1:28:36

I was still feeling a bit poorly with a cold but really didn't want to miss my long run. With hindsight I think this was a bit foolish as it was more on my chest than it had been earlier in the week. I ran with James, my eldest son. He cycled and I ran. All went well for the first 6 miles, until James cycled through some vomit on the pavement and from that point on refused to get back on his bike! What's that saying about never work with animals or children, I think that could be applied to running too! The last couple of miles were frustratingly slow and disjointed, with me running a hundred metres away from James and then back to him whilst he walked (and whinged). Still, I was pleased to complete the run.