Thursday, 2 April 2009

Week 12 - 2/4//09 - Thursday

Time of day: 6 am
Distance: 2.5 miles approx
Time: ????
Weather: Fine, mild.

I really really struggled to get out of bed this morning. If it wasn't for the fact that I was meeting Jo, I would have rolled over and gone back to sleep. As it was I checked my phone before I left the house in the hope that she had decided to give it a miss and I could climb back into the warm bed beside my husband and go back to sleep. However, it was not to be.

I was feeling irritable from the start, I had new trainers. I don't know what it is about new trainers but I just seem to feel hyper-aware of them, that bit's too tight, they're loose at the back, my foot hurts, I don't like them. Luckily I have had enough new trainers to know that this is just a phase that will pass, but I still don't like it very much.

Then my knee hurt, this was after a particularly energetic waltz routine last night when Steve and I did our ballroom dancing class. "Oh no, that's it, I've damaged something in my knee, I'm never going to be able to run this marathon!"

My eye hurt.

I was tired.

I couldn't find my garmin.


I'm not cut out for this. Whoever thought I would be able to run a marathon anyway.

Might as well forget the whole idea!

OK let's just do it.

I did it.

It was a short run, just under 3 miles.

I know I've got to start getting more miles in.

I WILL get over this wobble.


  1. Hey Sara what's a garmin? And I had to think what 'trainers' were there for a second too. Love the colloquial language differences between UK and Canada. We call them running shoes. :-)

  2. Hi Beth, the garmin 305 forerunner is a super gps running watch. It tells me how far I've run, how long it took me, my average speed, my fastest speed. It makes things a bit more interesting. Thanks for checking out my marathon training blog. I need all the support I can get :-)

  3. Wow that sounds fabulous. If I had a garmin right now it would tell me that I've only run once this past week. It was a good run but it still was only one! Eekkk...
