Distance: 4.9 miles (2.5 running, the rest mainly walking)
Time: 1hour 10 minutes
Weather: Sunny, pleasant
I was feeling fairly confident after my trip to the osteopath on Monday. Things certainly felt more stable. Unfortunately though my confidence was short-lived. Again at almost the identical place 2:06 miles into the run I started to get a burning pain in the outside of my knee. I kept going until about 2 1/2 miles and then decided, as it was getting worse, I would have to stop. I walked for a while and then tried running a bit more but the pain quickly returned.
OK, so what to do? 10 days until the marathon, I'm beginning to run out of options. I have rested it for 4 days and then managed a 4 mile run with some pain, I have spent (another!) £4o on seeing the osteopath. I know really that what it really needs is a good period of time to recover, but I am determined that I am going to run this marathon. So here is my plan:
- I am not going to run at all between now and the marathon.
- I am going to take anti-inflammatories regularly from now until the marathon
- I am going to cancel my next osteopath appointment and have my hair cut instead (you may be wondering how this will help my knee pain - it probably won't but at least I'll look good when I hobble across the finish line!)
- I'm going to do some stretches in the hope that they will help
- I'm going to try not to spend the next 10 days drinking wine and eating chocolate because I'm feeling sorry for myself
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